David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference https://www.djpileggi.com Adding to a Great Community Sat, 01 Feb 2025 15:32:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 66245408 Simplifying Power Apps Dates Makes Users Happy https://www.djpileggi.com/2025/02/01/simplifying-power-apps-dates-makes-users-happy/ Sat, 01 Feb 2025 15:32:32 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=239 Frustration With Power Apps Dates The manipulation of dates in Power Apps can be a source of irritation for both developers and business users alike. Developers often grapple with the complexities of date handling when working with databases or SharePoint lists, while business users might find themselves at a loss […]

The post Simplifying Power Apps Dates Makes Users Happy first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.


Frustration With Power Apps Dates

The manipulation of dates in Power Apps can be a source of irritation for both developers and business users alike. Developers often grapple with the complexities of date handling when working with databases or SharePoint lists, while business users might find themselves at a loss for words – and not the polite kind. If you’ve ever struggled with this, rest assured, you are in good company. the challenge isn’t unique to Power Apps; it’s a common headache across software dealing with dates. Here we will focus on easing one particular pain point: choosing between AM/PM vs. military time.

Automation for Power Apps Dates Uses Military Time

When an Edit form is created by the standard method of selecting from the add menu, date and time fields are bound to surprise. The date field is divided into three fields, not one (See Image 1). This is how Power Apps dates are applied to a form automatically.

  • First Field – Date Picker – Allows interaction with a calendar to choose the correct day, month, and year.
  • Second Field – Dropdown Box – Allows selection of the desired hour, using military time. (The hours span 00 – 23 by military standards.)
  • Third Field – Dropdown Box – Allows the selection of the desired minute ranging from 00 – 59.
Image 1

Setting Up Power Apps Dates Using AM/PM

To utilize AM/PM vs military time, you will need to skip over the easy, automated way of the Edit form from the Insert menu. The following portion of this post will show you how to build a form manually and submit it to a SharePoint list connection creating a new item. To simplify this example, we will only have two columns within the list, “Title” and “Date_of_Doom”. Please look at Image 2 to follow along with the explanation.

Image 2

Set up for Power Apps Dates Form

To achieve simplification for Power Apps Dates, two functions are going to be used. Patch to create the new item manually and DateTime to put the date and time collected in the appropriate formatting. The form in Image 2 contains two text labels, one text input box, one date picker, three drop down, and a button. Place the controls as shown in image above giving each a noteworthy name. (For Example: dpdHours for the drop down for hours.)

Configuration of the Submit Button

Below in the Code Snippet is the full configuration string needed to make this work. I will break down the controls in a list format to bring understanding to what control is being referenced.

  • txtTitle = text input box for free text for the title
  • calTestDate = date picker for selecting a date
  • dpdAMPM = drop down box for selecting AM or PM
  • dpdHours = drop down box for selecting hour
  • dpdMinutes = drop down box for selecting minutes
Patch(Testing_Dates, Defaults(Testing_Dates),{Title:txtTitle.Text,Date_Of_Doom:DateTime(Year(calTestDate.SelectedDate),Month(calTestDate.SelectedDate),Day(calTestDate.SelectedDate),If(dpdAMPM.SelectedText.Value = "PM",Hour(dpdHours.SelectedText.Value+12),Hour(dpdHours.SelectedText.Value)),dpdMinutes.SelectedText.Value, 0)})

The secret sauce that makes this work is the If statement identifying if dpdAMPM is AM or PM. If PM is selected, for the time to be correct, 12 hours must be added to make turn it to military time. Behind the scenes, a date is nothing but a floating number. There are 24 hours in a day. For the number to portray the correct date and time, military time is necessary.


Power Apps Dates use military time due to the way dates and times are managed in the background of computers in general. Though most countries use military (24 hour) time, some use AM and PM to discern what part of the day you are in. To simplify working with dates and times for some of your application users, you will need to increase the difficulty level in how you deal with them yourself. Following the steps provided is a way to do this.

    The post Simplifying Power Apps Dates Makes Users Happy first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    A Trick to Obtaining Good Data Using Microsoft Forms https://www.djpileggi.com/2024/12/31/a-trick-to-obtaining-good-data-using-microsoft-forms/ Tue, 31 Dec 2024 20:32:33 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=224 There are a lot of cliche sayings when it comes to obtaining good data. Data is out there, it is plentiful, but is it any good?  When it comes to making decisions using data or understanding data in general, there must be a trust that the data is good.  Bad […]

    The post A Trick to Obtaining Good Data Using Microsoft Forms first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.


    There are a lot of cliche sayings when it comes to obtaining good data. Data is out there, it is plentiful, but is it any good?  When it comes to making decisions using data or understanding data in general, there must be a trust that the data is good.  Bad data could lead decision makers astray.  In today’s economy, a poor decision due to inaccurate data could cause a company irreparable damage to a company’s bottom line.  Finding ways to ensure quality data captured by Microsoft Forms is priceless to the creator of those forms.  This blog post will show you how to use Microsoft Forms to gain an advantage in business.

    Obtaining Good Data by Using Restrictions

    Microsoft Forms can add restrictions to each data field.  Restrictions are not a silver bullet.  There are ways data could be manipulated via faulty information entered into the form, which could interfere with the quality of your data, despite best efforts.  Despite people’s best efforts data corruption may occur, restrictions can guide entered data to be of higher integrity.  With restrictions, obtaining good data will be made easier by guiding your form submitters.  Take a look at the available field choices Restrictions has to offer to assist with vetted data. (See Image 1)

    Choices of restrictions to obtain good data with Microsoft Forms.

    Image 1

    Obtaining Good Data Using Email and URL Restrictions

    Both restrictions are straightforward.  The user need only select it in the drop down and no additional configuration is necessary.  Email will automatically ensure there is a standard string build of the email.  It will ensure there are characters followed by the @, followed by more characters, a “dot”, finished off by more characters.  If the string entered does not have the needed @ and “dot” in the correct order, it will flag the form to not allow the user filling out the form to submit it until it is fixed.

    The URL restriction works in the same way.  It will ensure the field starts with either “http:// Or https://” without either starting the answer, it will be rejected, and the form will not be allowed to be submitted.  Very easy to understand and quite straightforward.  These two restrictions, Email and URL, ensure the user will understand what information is needed, but remember, it could still be false information by either a typo or malicious intent.

    Text Restrictions

    When it comes to the text restrictions, it becomes more interesting.  Text restrictions check to see if something is either present or not.  Refer to Image 2 and you will see the second drop down has two choices “Contains” or “Doesn’t contain”.  For example, you expect three letters to start or finish a specific contract number such as CTR.  You would select “Contains” in the drop down and enter CTR in the text field.  This will ensure the text field will have the string “CTR” present in the response to the question.  This would guide your responders to fill the form properly to obtain good data.

    Using Restrictions on a text field in Microsoft Forms to obtain good data.

    Image 2

    Number Restrictions

    Numbers are interesting as they can easily cause poor decisions if one forgets to add a zero.  There is a huge difference between $100,000 vs $1,000,000.  You can see by the number of choices on how to identify the number field, this could be tricky (See Image 3).  You need to have a clear understanding of what you to accomplish with a number.  Do you want it to be a number that allows decimals?  What about a whole number so your employees round to the nearest ones.  If your question is asking for a number between 1 and 10 you would utilize the “Between” option.  If you’re expecting numbers greater than 1,000,000 you could use either “Greater than” or “Greater than or equal to” as a good option.  I reiterate, you need to understand what you want with a number to use this restriction effectively.

    Microsoft Forms Restrictions with numbers to obtain good data.

    Image 3

    Length Restrictions

    I think length is the restriction that will need the most practice in order to understand.  Length restriction set up is not difficult to understand.  The question is how to use it effectively.  You can see in Image 4; you can place either a minimum or maximum count around the string length given for an answer.  The number text box is the number of characters you want to set as the minimum or maximum limit.  Oddly, the one thing that jumps to my mind around using the “Min Count” is an essay question with word minimums.  There are other good uses, you just need to know what they are for your business use cases obtaining good data.

    Microsoft Forms Restriction using string length to obtain good data.

    Image 4


    Data is important.  The amount of data information workers digs through on a daily basis can be daunting.  If your workers must worry about the quality of the data on top of all of their other responsibilities, it could be quite overwhelming.  When collecting data from Microsoft Forms, be sure to use restrictions where they make the most sense.  It could assist you with peace of mind and quality data.

    The post A Trick to Obtaining Good Data Using Microsoft Forms first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    Using Co-Organizers for Meetings is a Must https://www.djpileggi.com/2024/12/06/using-co-organizers-for-meetings-is-a-must/ Fri, 06 Dec 2024 21:51:32 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=217 It is imperative that you use co-organizers for meetings that are important, repeating, or for a team member.  Through video conferencing it allows us to connect with people around the world.  Most information workers have created numerous meeting invitations to create human connections.  For some workers, they have been asked […]

    The post Using Co-Organizers for Meetings is a Must first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.


    It is imperative that you use co-organizers for meetings that are important, repeating, or for a team member.  Through video conferencing it allows us to connect with people around the world.  Most information workers have created numerous meeting invitations to create human connections.  For some workers, they have been asked to create meetings for others within their team or department.  This indicates the need to add co-organizers to meetings to ensure success.

    Why Use Co-Organizers for Meetings?

    The most common need for assigning co-organizers to your meetings is when creating a reoccurring meeting.  You may intend to participate in all the meetings however, that may not always be the case.  You may get sick or take a vacation over two weeks leaving your team in the dark.  Even with your absence the meeting must go on.  A second common scenario would be an individual on a team, (think Corporate Communications or Training and Development departments) is designated to be the one to create all meetings for the team to ensure uniformity.  This could cause the organizer to have meetings overlapping.  It would be impossible to attend all meetings created causing a huge gap in ability to properly host each one.

    In Microsoft Teams there are certain things that only the organizer of the meeting can do.  For example, only the organizer can create break out rooms.  The organizer would be the only one to look over the attendance report.   In some cases, only an organizer will be allowed to start a meeting or allow those in the meeting lobby to join.  Without an organizer a meeting may not be able to run smoothly.

    How to Add Co-Organizers

    Anyone who has used M365 for any length of time, knows it is constantly evolving and changing.  Originally, to get to the meeting options to add co-organizers a button would appear on the ribbon once a meeting was fully created.  During my team’s office hours, we noticed that button was no longer available.  The link to get to the meeting options is now built into the actual invitation.  Look at image 1 below and notice the link in the bottom left labeled for organizers.

    Meeting Options link highlighted.

    Image 1

    When the link is clicked, the meeting organizer is taken to a web page to finetune the meeting options to their specifications.  The initial page the meeting creator is greeted with is shown in image 2.  Notice on the left part of the page there are five different categories to choose from.  The category “Roles,” is where you will have the option to add meeting organizers.  A word of warning, only attendees from your organization may be added as a co-organizer.  It is also worthy to note, only those invited to the meeting may be promoted to co-organizers for meetings.

    A screenshot of the web page with meeting options.

    Image 2

    Once on the “Roles,” page you will find adding a co-organizer to the meeting straightforward.  There will be a dropdown labeled, “Choose co-organizers,” where any eligible attendees can be promoted to a co-organizer. Select the appropriate individuals for the role.  Once selected you will see those individuals in the appropriate location.  See Image 3 for a reference.  Once added, do not forget to hit the save button at the bottom of the screen.

    Screenshot to add co-organizers for meetings.

    Image 3


    Creation of meetings is easy.  Just ask any information worker with a full calendar and they will be happy to confirm it.  Ensuring success of those meetings will take extra thought, but the end result would be worth it.  To ensure success be sure to add co-organizers for meetings.  This will allow your peers and coworkers be able to use important meetings even when you are not available.

    The post Using Co-Organizers for Meetings is a Must first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    Using Power Automate to Collect Microsoft Form Data https://www.djpileggi.com/2024/11/15/using-power-automate-to-collect-microsoft-form-data/ Fri, 15 Nov 2024 23:44:07 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=198 Using Power Automate to collect Microsoft Forms data and place it into a SharePoint list will take your business to a new level of data utilization. This post is going to take you through the process of building a Power Automate to collect Microsoft Forms data and place it into […]

    The post Using Power Automate to Collect Microsoft Form Data first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.


    Using Power Automate to collect Microsoft Forms data and place it into a SharePoint list will take your business to a new level of data utilization. This post is going to take you through the process of building a Power Automate to collect Microsoft Forms data and place it into SharePoint list. We are making the assumption the Microsoft Form and the SharePoint list is already created using best practices. You can think of this as a level 200 tutorial built off of what we have learned from past posts.

    Creating a New Power Automate Flow

    When creating a new Power Automate flow, on the home page left navigation bar, click Create. You will be met with several types of flow types to choose from. For this example, we will be selecting the “Automated cloud flow.” (See Image 1) When working with M365 apps (Microsoft Forms and SharePoint Online), this is the most common selection.

    Screen shot of Power Automate new flow choices.
    Image 1

    Once the “Build an automated cloud flow” screen is available, you have two choices to make. The first is easy, the name of the flow. Give the flow a short but descriptive name. Second you need to select the trigger to cause the flow to start. In our case we want the trigger “When a new response is submitted” for Microsoft Forms. Most often this trigger should be near the top if not in the first spot as you can see from Image 2. This is a testament to the popularity of this type of Power Automate flow.

    Screenshot of the Build an automated cloud flow screen.
    Image 2

    Inside Power Automate Designer

    At the time of my writing this post, Microsoft currently has two designers available to you for use. It will most likely default to the new designer, but you do have the option to switch between the previous designer and the new designer with the toggle in the top right corner. (See Image 3) You will be able to use either, but the location where you will do the configuration will vary slightly depending on which designer you are working it. For this post I will use the new designer.

    Screenshot of Power Automate designer toggle.
    Image 3

    Connecting Power Automate to Collect Your Microsoft Form Data

    You will be greeted with a single box in designer as a visual reference to identify the trigger that is to start the Power Automate flow. Click the box to view the settings of the trigger. In the new designer, a flyout from the left will appear to allow you to make the configurations you need to make. You will be presented a list of Microsoft Forms that are connected to your account. In the case of this post, I have gone with the best practice and tied the Microsoft Form to a Microsoft Team called “Woodology”.

    The easiest way to get the Microsoft Form ID is by opening the form in design mode and getting the ID information from the URL. Be sure to click on Custom Value at the base of the drop down to allow you to input the raw ID or the designer will not take the input otherwise. The ID information is at the end of the URL after “&ID=”. Please See Image 4 to understand what you should copy to place in the Power Automate trigger configuration.

    Image 4

    Once you capture the ID of the Microsoft Form, place that into the appropriate text box under parameters. This will tie this Power Automate to collect data to the appropriate Microsoft Form and the following steps will be easy to configure. See Image 5 to see what the parameters text box for Form id looks like.

    Form ID to help Power Automate to collect data.
    Image 5

    Add the Action to Get the Data

    We may have taught Power Automate which form to collect the data from when we configured the trigger, but that is not enough. We need to have Power Automate get the data associated with the Microsoft Form next. To do this we will point just below the trigger box and click the + button that will show when we hover our cursor within the area. Search for the action “Get response details” associated with Microsoft Forms and click to add to your flow. (See Image 6).

    Adding the action Get response details box
    Image 6

    Just like we have done with the trigger box, we will click on the action box “Get response details” to open the fly out to allow us to configure the action. Under parameters you will have two text boxes. The first is straight forward. It is looking for the Form ID again. Unless you copied something between the first two steps, the Form ID should be on your clipboard still. Click the drop down and select custom value, once selected, just pasted the Form ID. See Image 7 to see what it should look like.

    The second text box is asking for the Response Id. That is also available to you without much difficulty. When you place your cursor in the text box, you will see a blue lightning bolt and function symbol show up at the end of the text box. Select the lightning bolt which will allow you to choose dynamic content. Only one thing will be available. Click Response ID and it will automatically fill in the text box for you. That takes care of the configuration for this action. (See Image 7)

    Screenshot of Get response details fully configured.
    Image 7

    Place the Collected Data into a SharePoint List

    This is the final step to configure for this Power Automate to collect data and place it into a SharePoint list. Click on the + found below the previous action Get response details. Search for the SharePoint action Create Item and select it. It will be added to your Power Automate flow and will look like Image 8. As we have done for the previous steps, click the box so the left flyout to configure this action can be seen.

    Added the action Create Item to the Power Automate to collect data.
    Image 8

    Initially, you will see only two dropdown options. They need to be configured in order. The first dropdown is to select the SharePoint site where the list is located. If you do not see the site, you have the option to select custom value where you can copy and paste the home page URL to the site that contains the SharePoint list. Once the site is selected, the second dropdown will show the lists that are available. Select the appropriate one and wait for a moment for the configuration box to add the columns from the list. (See Image 9)

    Create item action completely configured
    Image 9

    Within each text field you will now add using the blue lightning bolt to add dynamic content. Each filed in SharePoint will expect the variable type you configured it for. In image 9, you can see Plot Location and Start_Date both were taken directly from the form. Size_in_Acres and Project_Cost both are numbers. In the form we declared them numbers and forced only numbers to be allowed, however, when passed to Power Automate, they are considered strings. We had to use the int() function to revert it from a string back into a number of which SharePoint was expecting. (See Image 9)

    A Power Automate Best Practice

    Once you create a Power Automate to collect data or any other type of functionality, be sure to share the flow with a Microsoft Team. You want to be sure any flow that is business critical will be able to run beyond your tenure with the company you are working for at the time. This will make sure your parting ways with the company will not leave your team in a bad situation. In this case I have added the team Woodology as a co-owner. (See Image 10)

    Power Automate to collect data owned by Microsoft Team Woodology
    Image 10


    Utilizing Power Automate to collect data is a creative way to capture data, without relying solely on spreadsheets. Excel has its place, but there are better solutions when dealing with potentially large data sets. Capturing data in a SharePoint list can open up a myriad of other possibilities, such as reports in PowerBI or an application built in Power Apps. Power Automate gives you a multitude of options at your fingertips to propel your business in a data driven world.

    The post Using Power Automate to Collect Microsoft Form Data first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    Building a SharePoint List to Capture Microsoft Forms Data https://www.djpileggi.com/2024/11/04/building-a-sharepoint-list-to-capture-microsoft-forms-data/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 04:48:00 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=191 Building a SharePoint List – Why? This question is legitimate if you want to know what is beyond the current functionality of Microsoft Forms.  It’s true that capturing data is what Microsoft Forms is all about.  However, we may need more than the downloadable spreadsheet with the captured data.  It […]

    The post Building a SharePoint List to Capture Microsoft Forms Data first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.


    Building a SharePoint List – Why?

    This question is legitimate if you want to know what is beyond the current functionality of Microsoft Forms.  It’s true that capturing data is what Microsoft Forms is all about.  However, we may need more than the downloadable spreadsheet with the captured data.  It is possible we need something more robust, more automated, more malleable.  It could be possible; we are looking at the limits of what Microsoft Forms can do. (See: Form, question, response, and character limits in Microsoft Forms).  Another possibility could be we want to automate an entire business process, with the Microsoft Form data as the starting point. The reason could even be a need to build a PowerBI report on the collected data in the SharePoint List without the need for manual intervention.  It will be helpful to know your reason.

    Screenshot of a Microsoft Form for Soil Enrichment

    Soil Enrichment Form

    How to Build a SharePoint List to Capture Microsoft Forms Data

    In our fictitious company for reforestation, we have a Microsoft Form for Soil Assessment.  (See Image Soil Assessment Form).  We want to capture the data the form collects and put it in a SharePoint list.  Before that can happen, we need to build the actual SharePoint list the data can fit in.  In our Soil Assessment form, we can see there are five questions.   We need to build a list in SharePoint that mirrors the form.  If you never have created a SharePoint list before, be sure to check out my video Creating a Simple List on YouTube to understand the basics.

    Creating the List

    The simplest way to create a List is by going to M365, clicking on the waffle in the top left corner of the page and selecting Lists app.  If it is not there, click on more apps and find it in the list of all M365 apps available to you with your current license model.  Be sure to give a clear name to your List using the underscore instead of spaces. (*Best Practice Alert*) You can always take out the underscores and put spaces back in once the list is created in the list settings.  Once you have created your blank list, it is time for the next step.

    Adding the Columns

    With a brand-new blank list in SharePoint, you already have one field.  Title is the name of the field.  If you want to know about proper building of columns for a SharePoint List or Library, watch my video Best Practices Imperative for the Creation of SharePoint Columns.  Feel free to select the first or most recognizable text question from your form.  In our example, the Soil Assessment form, question 1 seems our best option.  For the rest of the questions, we will need to make a new column.  Renaming the Title field is fine.  Just remember in Power Platform it will still be referred to as Title despite the name change.  Below is a list of how I built my columns for the case of Soil Enrichment.  Below that is an image of the Soil Enrichment List Columns.

    • Question 1: (text answer) Title –> Renamed to Plot Location
    • Question 2: (choice answer) –> Recommended_Enrichment
    • Question 3: (number answer) –>  Size_in_Acres
    • Question 4: (number answer (currency in SharePoint list)) –> Project_Cost
    • Question 5: (date answer) –> Start_Date

    An screen capture of the columns created in SharePoint.

    Soil Enrichment List Columns

    Please notice in the image Soil Enrichment List Columns, I took the time to remove the underscore from the column Recommended Enrichment.  (*Best Practice Alert*).  I used a shortened name for the column and used underscores instead of spaces.  This gives us easier column names to work with when we want to work with the SharePoint list through the Power Platform and more.  I want to bring your attention to the fact that I ensured to select the correct column type thinking of what information I was gathering with my Microsoft Form Soil Enrichment.

    A SharePoint List to Capture Microsoft Forms Data is Complete

    Once you have gone through these steps, you have finished the creation of a SharePoint List that is capable to hold the data captured by your Microsoft Form.  This will open up many possibilities to use the data you are capturing with the forms you create in Microsoft Forms.  Creating a list and the columns within the list utilizing best practices will pave the way for simplifying using data in workflow (Power Automate), reporting (PowerBI), and applications (Power Apps).

    The post Building a SharePoint List to Capture Microsoft Forms Data first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    Imperative SharePoint Column Creation Best Practices https://www.djpileggi.com/2024/10/16/imperative-sharepoint-column-creation-best-practices/ Thu, 17 Oct 2024 02:43:58 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=181 This post will help you whether you are building a site column, list column, or a library column.  The behavior is the same across the boards and includes some sound best practices.  We are going to look at changing the name of a column (in this case the Title column), […]

    The post Imperative SharePoint Column Creation Best Practices first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    This post will help you whether you are building a site column, list column, or a library column.  The behavior is the same across the boards and includes some sound best practices.  We are going to look at changing the name of a column (in this case the Title column), as well as several ways to name your column.  We will rate them from 1 – 3 (1 being the best practice while 3 is the worst practice).  If you are creating columns just for use in SharePoint, then it may not be as big of a deal.  You will definitely want to follow the best practices in the case where you are going to work with the Power Platform of M365, or the difficulty will increase exponentially.

    Changing an existing column

    As you may already know, it is possible to change the name of a column in SharePoint or SharePoint Online.  When you do change the name visually it changes.  That’s awesome! However, this does not change the actual field name in the back end, the database.  It is just cosmetic only!  As long as you understand this concept you are good to go.  Look at Image 1 and see I changed the Title column name from Title to Tree Roots in the list for this blog post.

    Title column name changed to Tree RootsImage 1

    This is great, however, when going into the M365 Power Platform, be sure to understand the field name is still Title!  To show you, I have copied the last part of the URL for the now column I just renamed Tree Roots.  You can see clearly, the field name for the column is still Title.  I have changed the color of the text to red to assist with its visibility.  You will need to know this and look out for it when working with the Power Platform.  It may show Tree Roots in some instances, but many will require you to know the actual field name.  After time passes, it could be a problem to remember if you changed the field name or not, so take good notes!


    The Behavior of Creating New Columns

    Now to delve into column creation best practices for both SharePoint on premises and SharePoint Online.  I have created four different columns using different techniques to name the column.  They are mixed up in Image 2, but certainly show what I did to name the columns. I will go into an explanation for each one and show why they are a ‘best’ practice, ‘okay’ practice, or ‘do not use if you plan on using the Power Platform for your own sanity’s sake’ practice.  (I know, that last one was a mouthful, but I am sure you get the idea.)

    Screen shot of the columns available in the SharePoint List.

    Image 2

    A Column Name Using CamelCase

    Starting with the best practice and with the least amount of con’s we look at the column CamelCase.  When you look at the tail of the URL to edit the column you can see the Field name is clean as you would expect.  There are no extraneous characters added.  This is just like having a one-word column name.  It has the same effect.  Just like the Title field URL above, this one is easy to read, and easy to understand.  You can see as I highlighted the field for you in red.


    A Column Name Using an Underscore

    This is the second choice I would go with if I absolutely had to go with some sort of visual break in the column name.  I would say this is an okay practice.  The reason why I give it just an okay instead of a best practice is because each underscore in the field name will turn into the hexadecimal number %5F.  Yeah, super memorable, right?  When things get injected into the backend so that things don’t break in SQL, etc, that is something that can cause some discomfort in the Power Platform when you need to make reference to the column in question with this naming convention.  See the area highlighted in red in the URL below so you can see what it actually looks like.


    But wait!  A short time after creating the List and letting things settle down, lo and behold, the URL changed to a nice beautiful, amazing work of art!  Yes, no hexadecimal number and no nonsense.  Long live the underscore!  It is a clean field name easy to work with in the Power Platform on M365!  I would dare say this has stepped from okay into the coveted best practice!  So, if you create a list on the fly to feed data, capture data, or use in some way with the Power Platform, allow M365 time to do all the cleanup, etc. in the background so you have a nice field name to work with.  If you don’t believe me, see below.  It changed in the last 24 hours from creating the list.


    Columns Using a Space or a Dash (-)

    These two columns fall in the worst practice as they have a mess added to the field name.  When the list was first created it was even more of a nightmare as the underscores around the four-character indicator also contained the %5F.  Fortunately, after the cleanup run in the backend over time, those did get changed to the actual underscore from the hexadecimal.  Without the cleanup, the field name was nightmare fuel.  Good thing I am posting this is during the Halloween season.  Still take a look below at the URL’s.  I will indicate which is which.  These field names will prove troublesome when having to reference them in the Power Platform on M365.

    With Space: /_layouts/15/FldEdit.aspx?List=%7B0329FAE7-9402-42CF-A5E1-8A7A3FE51DAE%7D&Field=With_x0020_Space
    With Dash: /_layouts/15/FldEdit.aspx?List=%7B0329FAE7-9402-42CF-A5E1-8A7A3FE51DAE%7D&Field=With_x002d_Dash

    I would use the space and/or dash sparingly when naming columns if you are not sure if you are going to use the Power Platform to draw information from the list/library you are adding the columns to.

    Best Practices and Conclusion

    As you can tell from the way this post was written, over time as things settled down, we have two Best Practices and two worst practices.  The best practice to naming a column is to either use CamelCase or the Underscore (_).  The worst practice to naming a column is to either use a space or a dash (-).  As a simple way to conclude this post, here is a list of dos and don’ts.

    • Do use an Underscore when naming a column.
    • Do use CamelCase when naming a column.
    • Do keep the column name meaningful.
    • Do keep the column name brief.
    • Use spaces when naming a column sparingly.
    • Use dash (-) when naming a column sparingly.
    • Do NOT try to write War and Peace for a column name.
    • Do NOT EVER use an Asterisk (*) in a column.  Never! See why on my post Keeping an Eye on the Risk in Asterisk

    The post Imperative SharePoint Column Creation Best Practices first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    MS SharePoint Alerts – The Most Useful Forgotten Feature https://www.djpileggi.com/2024/09/30/ms-sharepoint-alerts-the-most-useful-forgotten-feature/ Tue, 01 Oct 2024 00:28:08 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=173 Despite the desire to be alerted to additions, changes, or deletions in Microsoft SharePoint or Microsoft SharePoint Online, I am completely surprised at the fact the alert is not used nearly as often as one might think.  Now I completely understand in this day and age, the number of emails […]

    The post MS SharePoint Alerts – The Most Useful Forgotten Feature first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.


    Despite the desire to be alerted to additions, changes, or deletions in Microsoft SharePoint or Microsoft SharePoint Online, I am completely surprised at the fact the alert is not used nearly as often as one might think.  Now I completely understand in this day and age, the number of emails we get is quite ludicrous.  There are times I feel like I am shoveling water uphill and not getting anywhere when trying to maintain a zero inbox.  I can guess that certainly is a reason why many may not want to sign up for SharePoint Alerts.  Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.  If you create strategic alerts with the correct scope, these alerts could actually save you time!

    Understanding the Scope of an Alert

    Take a look at the two images below.  Both are for alerts, but for very different scopes.  The first is an alert for the entire document library, while the second is for just a single document.  Why is it so important to understand the scope of a SharePoint alert?  Everything.  You do not want to have an alert set up sending you too much information.  You will either go into information overload or just end up ignoring the SharePoint alerts and lose any benefit it may have given you.  The same is true for the opposite.  If you are too narrow in your scope, then you will most likely not get alerted for the things you wish to be made aware of.

    SharePoint Alert Scope LibraryImage: Scope for entire document library.
    SharePoint Alert Scope for single document.
    Image: Scope for a single document.

    Settings of an Alert

    Let’s start with an image of what the alert options are and how they can be used.

    An image of the alert options you can select in SharePoint.
    Image: Choices for an Alert in SharePoint

    1. Alert Title – Defaults to the location and scope of your choice.  It can be changed to something more meaningful.
    2. Send Alerts To – Will default with your name/email automatically.  If you are the owner of the SharePoint site, you will have the option to add others to the alert as well.
    3. Delivery Method – Email or text via SMS.  Most companies will have SMS blocked due to security concerns.
    4. Change Type – If you are looking for all types or changes or a specific subtype of change.
    5. Send Alerts to These Changes – If you are looking for all changes in the document library, or something of a subset meaning only what you have created or modified vs. everyone who is a contributor.
    6. When to Send Alerts – This is to ensure you are able to pick the cadence of email being sent to you.  Do you want immediate or something of a slower pace?

    Using Alerts to Your Advantage

    There are different scenarios where you may find yourself wanting a Microsoft SharePoint alert.  Some alerts you may need to be more responsive with the cadence due to high priority or expected completion in a short time frame.  In other cases, you are a manager who is looking to just keep an eye on things.

    Examples of Use

    You are a team who just got an RFP (Request for Proposal) to try to win some business, but you were late to the game.  You have only 24 business hours to complete something that usually takes three weeks to complete.  As a manager, you start the document to answer the RFP and create an alert for the entire team that is to work on this document to keep everyone abreast of the situation.  The Microsoft SharePoint alert will be sent to the entire team, with immediate feedback when any and all changes are made.

    A second example might have you as a manager with a team that creates many documents, but nothing is pressing.  You would like to just keep notified at a high level what may have changed.  In a case like this, you can set up a Microsoft SharePoint alert with the daily or weekly cadence.  You select to have the alert sent at 3PM so you have 2 hours remaining in your workday to read the alert and react if necessary.

    Final Thoughts

    Being both in the know and well informed will help you keep abreast of what is happening around you as an information worker.  With alerts, you can keep up with all that is going on without causing yourself to be overwhelmed by too much information.  Microsoft SharePoint alerts are the most useful yet forgotten feature in SharePoint.

    The post MS SharePoint Alerts – The Most Useful Forgotten Feature first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    Microsoft Forms Most Forgotten Best Practice https://www.djpileggi.com/2024/09/03/microsoft-forms-most-forgotten-best-practice/ Tue, 03 Sep 2024 04:01:09 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=164 Most Common Process If you are reading this, you most likely have created a Microsoft Form in M365 and are curious about what you may have forgotten.  Most people go to Microsoft Forms, click create a form, build it out, test it, then send out the link by hitting the […]

    The post Microsoft Forms Most Forgotten Best Practice first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.


    Most Common Process

    If you are reading this, you most likely have created a Microsoft Form in M365 and are curious about what you may have forgotten.  Most people go to Microsoft Forms, click create a form, build it out, test it, then send out the link by hitting the share button.  Easy, simple, not an issue, right?  Sure, but what happens to that form if you win the lottery to become a towel boy/girl in Tahiti to take it easy for the rest of your life?  You leave, your account is deactivated then is deleted over a specified period according to your companies off boarding protocols.  Suddenly it is not working.  Your team is in a bad place.  Next thing you know, you are receiving pictures of pitchforks and torches from your once beloved coworkers.

    Ask the Right Question

    When you are about to create a Microsoft Form, be sure to ask this question.  What is the duration of this form going to be?  If you have a form created to last a week to let people on your team identify what they are going to bring to the potluck next Friday afternoon, then you are fine.  The duration is short.  In this situation, winning the lottery won’t cause too much heartache even if you exit the company the same day.  The form will not be immediately lost to the bits of time.   If your answer is for months or more importantly, indefinitely as the answer, then you need to read the next section and understand what the best practice is.

    A secondary question you should ask is, “Who is my audience?”  If it is a project team, your HR department, or a large subset of your organization, you will also want to take into consideration going to the next area and ensuring you follow the best practice recommended.

    Recommended Best Practice

    When you create a Microsoft Form in M365, be sure to have a Microsoft Team or M365 Group own the form in order to give it sustainability.  When you move a form under a Microsoft Team or M365 Group its life expectancy is now for the length of that group, not based off an individual.  This in turn will allow team members to come and go, but the form will not be deleted without understanding what has happened.  There are two ways to give ownership of a Microsoft Form to a Microsoft Team or M365 Group.  Let’s review.

    Create as the Owner then Move

    1. Finish creating the form as you normally would by going to Microsoft Forms in M365 and just click New Form.
    2. Once finished, go back to the landing page of Microsoft Forms.
    3. Point at the Microsoft Form you have created with your cursor. (Note: You will see your name in the bottom left corner signifying you are indeed the one who is the owner of the Form.  See Image 1)
      Picture of web card in Microsoft Forms in M365.
      Image 1
    4. When you point at the Microsoft Form’s card in the bottom right you will see three dots (ellipses) appear.
    5. Click the ellipses to get a fly out menu. (See Image 2)
      Image of flyout menu for M365 Form card.
      Image 2
    6. Click on Move to a group.
    7. Select the Microsoft Group of your choice.

    Create as a Tab on the Microsoft Team Channel

    1. In Microsoft Teams, go to the Microsoft Team of your choice and select a channel where you would like to build the Microsoft Form.
    2. Click on the + next to the other tabs of the channel in the top center of the application.
    3. In search type out the word Forms.
    4. Select Forms.
    5. Ensure the radio button for Create a shared form that your team can edit and see results is selected.  (See Image 3)
      Picture of the configuration for Teams tab.
      Image 3
    6. Name your Form.
    7. Hit Save.

    Either path you take to associating the Microsoft Form to a Microsoft Team or M365 Group will align you with this best practice.  Happy polling!


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    The post Microsoft Forms Most Forgotten Best Practice first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    MS Loop – Amazing Tool for with Achillies Heel https://www.djpileggi.com/2024/01/04/ms-loop-amazing-tool-for-with-achillies-heel/ Thu, 04 Jan 2024 05:26:59 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=157 In the ever-changing world of M365, there have been winners and duds when it comes to new apps, new ideas, or new functionality. Microsoft Loop was released November 2, 2021. It has been out for a while now. Yet here we are in the beginning of 2024, and I am […]

    The post MS Loop – Amazing Tool for with Achillies Heel first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    In the ever-changing world of M365, there have been winners and duds when it comes to new apps, new ideas, or new functionality. Microsoft Loop was released November 2, 2021. It has been out for a while now. Yet here we are in the beginning of 2024, and I am just sounding off about it. The thing is, I have not heard anything from my peers, acquaintances, or friends until just recently. Thanks to Richard for throwing the nerf grenade into my camp regarding Microsoft Loop. Following an amazing conversation with him, I investigated Microsoft Loop for myself. The results are what I would like to share with you.

    First Impression

    The way I see Loop components could be compared to SharePoint web parts for Microsoft Office. Sorry, Microsoft Office 365 Apps… yeah… moving on. Loop has different types of information models to choose from. (See Image 1) These loop items can be attached to an email, OneNote, and/or Teams. It is a great way to quickly collaborate with your team, peers, etc. when sharing quick data.

    List of Microsoft Loop components
    Image 1 (Taken from Outlook)

    Let’s face it, having the ability to send an email with a table is good. BUT! Having the ability to embed a Microsoft Loop table into an email that is live and multiple people can edit, make changes, alter, rearrange that data in real time is so much better. A great example is throwing together a table that could potentially be included in a RFP to win your business one million dollars. One table, one version of the truth, one solution will be available to the entire team and save time, heartache, and potential data loss or overwriting. Another example would be a quick task list that is living in your teams Microsoft Team OneNote. Use that as a quick way to do odd tasks outside of the norm. A little thought could make the list of possibilities grow exponentially.

    Strengths and Weaknesses


    This section will most certainly be up for debate, however, from what I understand about Loops at this point, I’ll give my thoughts around the strengths. One of the biggest things is the Microsoft Loop components’ versatility. The ability to have the same component show up in email, Teams, and in OneNote could allow quick solutions that could over time be grown into something greater. As expected, if the idea starts to roll into something greater, then upgrading to a more suitable solution is recommended. Loop is a great tool for small data sharing solutions. A great example is the use of the Q&A Loop component. If you find it is getting to the point numerous people are using it, it may be time to upgrade to Viva Engage. (I would have loved to say SharePoint discussion board, but it is still from the 2003 Portal Server dark ages of a solution and needs serious love and care.)

    Nearly all the components are used in business daily. So, using them will only be a slight variation in how you add them to your email, lists in OneNote, or tables in Teams. Ease of utilizing the power of Loop is guaranteed with the simplicity it brings. With how busy companies have become during this information age saving time is essential. Using these as tools will be one way to approach fixing the issue of time saving.

    Lastly, I want to bring up the fact each of the components are easy to use. They are not overly complex or over engineered. They give information workers a leg up when working with a time crunch.


    There is only one to bring to your attention. As of right now, when you create a Loop component it is saved to your OneDrive. This is the only place it can be saved to currently. This means, a long living Microsoft Loop component with a lot of time and information placed into it can disappear if the owner of the component leaves the company. This is Microsoft Loop’s Achillies heel. The way I can see this being fixed is by having the option to have the Microsoft Loop component save destination be a document library in the associated SharePoint site of the Microsoft Team of your choice.  SharePoint library anywhere for that matter!

    The post MS Loop – Amazing Tool for with Achillies Heel first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    Understanding SharePoint Online Security for the non-IT Worker https://www.djpileggi.com/2023/10/23/understanding-sharepoint-online-security-for-the-non-it-worker/ Tue, 24 Oct 2023 01:48:37 +0000 https://www.djpileggi.com/?p=131 We are now at the point where RTO (Return to Office) policies are in full swing.  The concept of a hybrid work environment is the new norm for businesses around the world.  One of the things that many non-IT professionals find themselves having to deal with now is understanding how […]

    The post Understanding SharePoint Online Security for the non-IT Worker first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.

    We are now at the point where RTO (Return to Office) policies are in full swing.  The concept of a hybrid work environment is the new norm for businesses around the world.  One of the things that many non-IT professionals find themselves having to deal with now is understanding how SharePoint Online security works.  You do not want to accidentally have everyone in your company see a document that should be for your Senior Leadership’s eyes only.  It is recommended to use the share feature built into SharePoint/OneDrive primarily, but in some cases, it may not be the correct solution.  This post is to help you understand, (at least a little bit better) how SharePoint Online security works and how to make changes that you understand.

    High Level SharePoint Security Understanding

    Each SharePoint site has its own Security Schema, created by Microsoft Teams, Viva Engage (f.k.a. Yammer), M365 Planner, or a standard security schema with a lone standing classic SharePoint site. Each site has three primary security groups on creation that you should know along with the permissions they are given. (See Table 1) When the site is first created, every part of the site will have the same security. Every library, list, page, and item will inherit the same security of the site.

    SharePoint Security Group Permissions Initially Given
    <team name> Owners Full Control Permissions
    <team name> Members Contributor Permissions
    <team name> Visitors Read Only Permissions

    Table 1

    When a business case requires for you to share the site, library, list, or item with everyone in the organization, you can use the group Everyone except external users. You must be cautious about using this group as it will allow all employees in your tenant to be able to view/contribute to every object that falls under the level you give the permission at. (See Image 1) If you give permission at the site level, every other square within the Site square will also get the same permissions. Use this image to understand how your giving permission to a SharePoint object at different levels can also unlock many other areas for one person or everyone in your tenant. Everything inside the object you give permission to will also get the same permissions.  Be cautious when breaking inheritance as it will make your job maintaining the security schema more difficult by N + 1 (N = number of inheritance breaks).

    Image 1

    How to Add/Remove a User to SharePoint Site Directly

    If you want to add/remove people from a Microsoft Team, do so through Microsoft Teams. These instructions are specific to adding/removing users who interact with just your SharePoint site, whether based off a Microsoft Team or a classic SharePoint site. Getting to the appropriate page will depend if you are on a Modern Team Site or Classic. I will provide instructions for both.

    1. Go to Advanced Site Permissions.
      1. On a Modern Site (i.e., Microsoft Teams SharePoint site, Communication site)
        1. Click on the gear in the top right corner of the page near your profile picture (See Image 2)
          Gear found in top right of SharePoint Online
          Image 2
        2. In the drop-down menu, select “Site Permissions.”  If you do not see this, you may not have the right permission to go further.
        3. At the bottom of slide out, click the Advanced permissions settings Link (See Image 3)
          Advanced Permissions Setting Link
          Image 3
      2. On a Classic Site
        1. Click on the gear in the top right corner of the page near your profile picture (See Image 4)Gear found in top right of SharePoint Online
          Image 4
        2. In the drop-down menu, select “Site Settings” If you do not see this, you may not have the right permission to go further.
        3. Under the Users and Permissions group, select Site Permissions (See Image 5)
          Site permissions link
          Image 5
    2. Click on the appropriate Group you want to add the individual(s) you want to add them to. (Note: It is good to have 2-3 owners)
    3. Click on New and add the individual(s) to the group by finding them with name or email address. (See Image 6)
      Share pop up to give permissions
      Image 6
    4. Once selected, decide if you want to send an email to the site you are sharing or click show options and uncheck the email checkbox.
    5. Click the Share button.

    How to Add/Remove Users to a List or Library

    Giving a user(s) access to a list or library should be done using the Share button when possible. These instructions are used to give direct access to the list or library instead. To get to the appropriate page will depend if you are on a Modern Team Site or Classic. I will provide instructions for both.

    1. Go to List/Library Settings
      1. On a Modern List/Libraries (i.e., Microsoft Teams SharePoint site, Communication site)
        1. Click on the gear in the top right corner of the page near your profile picture (See Image 7)

          Gear found in top right of SharePoint Online
          Image 7

        2. Select List/Library Settings in the flyout menu.
      2. On a Classic List/Library
        1. Click on the List/Library Tab in the top left of the page (See Image 8 #1)
        2. Click on List/Library Settings button to the far right of the ribbon (See Image 8 #2)
          Image of a list or library ribbon in SPO.
          Image 8
    2. Under Permissions and Management -> Click Permissions for this document library (See Image 9)

      Image 9
    3. Click the Stop Inheriting Permissions button in the ribbon at the top of the page (See Image 10)

      List or Library ribbon button to break inheritance.
      Image 10

    4. Click on the appropriate Group link you want to add the individual(s) to.
    5. Click on New and add the individual(s) to the group by finding them with name or email address. (See Image 11)
      Share pop up to give permissions
      Image 11
    6. Once selected, decide if you want to send an email to the site you are sharing or click show options and uncheck the email checkbox.
    7. Click the Share button.

    How to Add/Remove Users to a Folder, Document, Item

    Giving a user(s) access to a folder, document, or item should be done using the Share button when possible. These instructions are used to give direct access directly to a folder, document, or item instead. To get to the appropriate page will depend if you are on a Modern Team Site or Classic. I will provide instructions for both.

    1. In a Modern Library/List
      1. Select the folder, document, or item you want to give direct permission to (See Image 12)
        Image of a document selected in a SPO doc library.
        Image 12
      2. Click the ellipses (…) just to the right of the document/item Name/Title
      3. Click Manage Access in the drop-down menu (See Image 13)
        Manage Access choice in pop down menu.
        Image 13
      4. In the manage Access popup window, click the ellipses (…) in the upper right corner and select Advanced Settings. (See Image 14)
        Advanced Settings button in drop-down pop-up menu in SPO.
        Image 14
    2. In a Classic List/Library
      1. Select the folder, document, or item you want to give direct permission to (See Image 15)
        Document selected in Classic SPO doc library.
        Image 15
      2. Click the ellipses (…) just to the right of the document/item Name/Title
      3. Click Share in the bottom left corner of the popup (See Image 16)
        Pop-Up menu from ellipses in SPO doc library.
        Image 16
      4. Another Popup will appear, on the left click the Shared with button (See Image 17)
        Classic SPO doc library Share pop-up to get to advanced settings.
        Image 17
      5. Click Advanced in the bottom right corner of the popup window.
    3. Click the Stop Inheriting Permissions button in the ribbon at the top of the page (See Image 18)

      List or Library ribbon button to break inheritance.
      Image 18

    4. Click on the appropriate Group you want to add the individual(s) who should see the document.
    5. Click on New and add the individual(s) to the group by finding them with name or email address. (See Image 19)
      Share pop up to give permissions
      Image 19
    6. Once selected, decide if you want to send an email to the site you are sharing or click show options and uncheck the email checkbox.
    7. Click the Share button.

    The post Understanding SharePoint Online Security for the non-IT Worker first appeared on David J Pileggi Jr: Blogging to Make a Difference.
